Join Leo on a magical journey in “Leo the Lion and the Tricky Fox.” When Leo encounters a wise fox with tricky questions, he discovers that staying calm is the secret to finding the correct answers. Through Leo’s adventure, kids will learn to stay calm, think wisely, and solve problems confidently, providing a solid foundation for their emotional...
“Hippo’s Adventure to the Magical Santa’s Village” is a heartwarming and adventurous children’s story that transports young readers into the enchanting world of Santa’s Village. This delightful tale of a cute, curious hippo named Hopps will capture children’s imaginations and teach them the importance of kindness, friendship, and learning from...
Ricky, a mother and a passionate storyteller, is deeply committed to her craft. She believes in the magic of stories and their power to inspire and teach valuable life lessons, especially for children. Despite holding a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science, her true calling has always been crafting stories that help young readers develop essential life skills such as courage, empathy, and emotional resilience.
As a mother, she understands the challenges of raising confident and thoughtful children, and her stories are designed to guide them through the ups and downs of growing up.
When she’s not creating or narrating, Ricky loves traveling the world, seeking new inspirations and experiences to fuel her creativity. She believes that every journey and experience holds a new story waiting to be told.
Ricky, a mother and a passionate storyteller, is deeply committed to her craft. She believes in the magic of stories and their power to inspire and teach valuable life lessons, especially for children. Despite holding a Bachelor of Engineering degree in Computer Science, her true calling has always been crafting stories that help young readers develop essential life skills such as courage, empathy, and emotional resilience.
As a mother, she...
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